“She Believed She Could, So She Did.” ❤

What does it mean to be a woman?
There have been debates on who a woman is or how women should present themselves in society from the beginning of time, often neglecting to actually include the voices of those being debated.
But we get to define what our womanhood is for us, nobody else. ❣
The International Women’s Day campaign theme; #EachforEqual is drawn from a notion of 'Collective Individualism. 'We are all parts of a whole. Our individual actions, conversations, behaviors and mindsets can have an impact on our larger society. Collectively, we can make change happen. Collectively, we can each help to create a gender equal world.
We can all choose to be #EachforEqual.
As women continue to thrive in spite of the economic, social and political barriers that have been erected in their way, we salute all their valiant efforts to make change, to touch lives and improve the human experience of those around them. Those women willing to continuously give, and nourish; those who step up for others.
Women who are fierce in their gentleness and courageous in their belief. Women eager to share their knowledge and expand their networks with other women. Seeking to support the marginalized and exploited.
Thank you for showing up as your genuine selves - even when the world around you, may tell you that it isn’t enough - that you aren't enough.
We acknowledge your strength and admire your generosity with others.
THAT is being a woman!
We look forward to a society that sees your brilliance and offers you opportunities to develop and share it, that isn't threatened by your light or skeptical about your abilities.
Today and every other day we choose to celebrate women around the globe - because where would be without YOU? 🤗🙏🏾
-- Nyambura Mbugua